Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Picture Another View of Rosacea

Should There be A Fifth Classification of Rosacea? In the past year there has been considerable discussion among rosacea specialists concerning the addition of a fifth rosacea subtype. This subtype is classified as Neuropathic Rosacea. While this subtype is not officially recognized yet, it may only be a matter of time because it is just as common as ocular and phymatous rosacea, and it is the most debilitating form of rosacea.

Subtype 5: Neuropathic Rosacea: Neuropathic rosacea is characterized by bouts of centro facial burning and pain sensations following rosacea triggers. These bouts usually last longer than half an hour and in many moderate to severe cases can last for hours, days, weeks or become semi-permanent if the sensory nociceptors are permanently activated or damaged by dermal inflammation and various inflammatory substances. In severe cases of neuropathic rosacea, no trigger is needed to initiate the burning sensation; underlying facial inflammation may trigger the sesensitized sensory nociceptors.