Thursday, November 03, 2005


In a recent letter from the NRS, thanking the RRF supporters, Mr. Sam Huff
has revealed some interesting information about the NRS.

All donations from individuals, either via their web site, or via post are
directed solely towards research funding. This has been the case for several
years. The promotional and support activities of the NRS are funded from
industry and other sources.

This means that everyone is able to directly fund rosacea research by
donating to the NRS.

The letter is here

One of the positive things to emerge of late is the dialogue between the RRF
and the NRS. We have discovered that the NRS is indeed keen to expand its
research funding program. Mr. Huff has also taken the opportunity to
politely respond to public concerns about the operation of the NRS.

We all look forward to what the NRS and rosacea sufferers together can
achieve. Please generously support the NRS now and into the future. It is
only when rosacea sufferers decide to vote with their dollars that our
future will be within our control.

David Pascoe,