Treatment Options in Rosacea
Understand What To Expect From Treatment:
The major goals of rosacea treatment are to:
Understand the condition
Identify and avoid the factors that cause flushing for you and that flare your rosacea
Control the active symptoms and signs of rosacea
Achieve optimum maintenance of this condition and its complications
Understand that this is a chronic condition
Self Help:
1) Aggravating factors: - These factors can increase your core body temperature:
Exposure to weather - sun, cold, wind
Hot food, hot drinks, and alcohol
Exercise (you should exercise in cool surroundings and avoid dehydration)
Medications (you should avoid vasodilating drugs, that is, drugs that expand your blood vessels, and topical steroids)
Cosmetics (you should avoid greasy, drying, or perfumed products)
2) Daily skin care:
Avoid hot water, loofahs, and rough towels
Avoid toners, exfoliating agents, and astringents
Dandruff – Rosacea frequently coexists with sebhorreic dermatitis or dandruff
3) Cosmetics:
Cosmetic cover-up
Anti-redness cream; awaits fuller evaluation
4) Patient support groups.
Medical Treatment:
For mild rosacea, topical therapy is always the first choice
When rosacea is more severe, topical therapy must often be combined with oral treatment
Creams and oral antibiotics are not effective in treating the flushing of the face, or the broken blood vessels
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