Monday, April 10, 2006

The Balance Of Rosacea Skin Care

Optimum health and beauty in skin care is actually a result of finding the right balance to unlock the full potential of your skin. Eating and drinking properly is not only less expensive but much healthier over both the short and long term. And a 'proper rosacea diet' over the long run reduces the chance of poor health and diseases such as diabetes, allergies, sinus conditions, obesity, osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis, lupus, and cancer. While as a rosacea sufferer we are very concerned about our facial appearances, however, with some of these aforementioned debilitating diseases, many of these patients don't even want to go out socially. Many of these problems can be prevented or drastically reduced by an alkaline diet.

Acidic foods and drinks range from a pH (potential of hydrogen) of 0 to 7 on the while the more alkaline foods and drinks are in the range of 7 to 14. The human body is most often operating in the 7.4 range or slightly into the alkaline range. All of life's acids are wearing the body down by reducing the pH. Even lactic acid caused by heavy exercise or just the average wearing of body cells over a lifetime continues to decrease the degree of alkalines that keep the body from degenerating nearly as fast. Even the improper exhaustion of carbon dioxide from the lungs cause a acid pH level that can turn most people 'pink' or 'red' in 30 seconds.