Rosacea Flares
An effective rosacea treatment must begin with an understanding of what causes or influences a rosacea flush. Effective skin care for rosacea must address the flushing issues. Rosacea is a condition of the very small blood vessels on the surface of the facial skin. Any thing that causes normal red face will flare up the rosacea. Try eating very spicy food items even if you have no rosacea and you may observe a red flush on your face.
These are the common triggers:
Sun exposure
Eating Spicy Food
Change in temperature
Excess exercising
Irritating facial cosmetics
A more complete list of triggers for rosacea can be beneficial in defining the cause of your rosacea flares.
Once you know about the rosacea flare ups, you need to find out what causes more trouble to you. Avoid all of them as much as possible and you will be keeping your rosacea under control. Try to wear a high SPF sunscreen or sun block. Use umbrella and try to avoid walking out in the sun in the noon. Avoid the triggers to stop flare-ups of rosacea.
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